Top Five
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
This week, we’ve read the comics, and now we weigh in on their movie adaptations… specifically, the worst comic book movies.
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I haven’t listened yet, but I’ll defend Catwoman (2004) as a very clever comic book film that completely gender-inverted all of the stereotypical roles from comic-inspired films that preceded it. Folks of that era were so disappointed that Michelle Pfeiffer wasn’t cast, and that the film had no tie-in with Batman that I think this clever inversion of the trope was completely missed.
Now on the other hand, if anyone wants to defend Elektra (2005), I’m listening…
If Matthew wants to argue that Constantine was a bad comic book adaption, I might agree. But to say is is one of the top 5 worst comic book movies is quite a stretch. Tilda Swinton as Gabriel and Peter Stormare’s memorable turn as Satan more than made up for the liberties they took adapting the material.
My list:
5. Green Lantern
4. R.I.P.D.
3. Punisher: War Zone
2. Catwoman
1. Batman & Robin
Honorable Mention: Suicide Squad
5) Cat Woman
4) Ang Lee’s Hulk
3) Batman v. Superman
2) Green Lantern
1) Batman & Robin
Honorable Mentions: All the Fantastic Four movies, Judge Dredd.