We all know that you can stop into any Hot Topic, Spencer’s or even an athletic store and get yourself a cool Batman shirt. With geek culture on the rise there are more and more small businesses getting in on this zeitgeist shift. That in mind, every month it is my goal to feature independent artisans who create unique geeky items based around a specific theme.
Chic Geek for this month is all about cool Supergirl swag in honour of the Girl of Steel returning to The CW and our small screens all over the world!
Enthusiastica is an Etsy-only online store with a focus on housewares (mostly mugs), t-shirts and tote bags. Their Supergirl-specific merchandise rounds the bases from Cat Grant-inspirational quotes to Sanvers (Sawyer/Danvers, if you didn’t know!), positive shipping iconography.
The design work at Enthusiastica is really clean and they provide the kinds of products that you could pepper your life with and people in your day to day life may not immediately identify as fandom or geek specific.
For something a little more subtle that can transcend a professional work environment or fancy party, Enthusiastica is a wonderful option!
Approximate price range: $16.00 – $40.00
Les Petites Shop
Les Petites Shop is an Etsy-only shop with a focus on children’s mobiles. Stick with me, they are absolutely adorable! Handmade cloth figurines are available across fandoms including a particularly adorable Girls Night Out style mobile featuring the Girl of Steel.
There are several DC-centric designs, albeit only one featuring Supergirl with an option for customization, should you want to showcase your DCTV love.
Les Petites Shop is looking out for even the tiniest baby geeks in our life and their mobiles are cute as all get out – although a little on the pricey side.
Approximate price range: $95.00 – $140.00
My Empty Nest Designs
My Empty Nest Designs is an Etsy-only shop that makes a ton of unique and vintage kitchenware for consumers of any and all genders! Their designs are well-constructed and highly chic, definitely standing above and beyond what can be found during a standard search for “apron”. They highlight a variety of geeky fandoms and a variety of different designs.
Several patterns are available featuring Supergirl whether you are looking for something as small as a cloth or as encompassing as their retro-style aprons – very cool! My Empty Nest Designs is a one-stop shop to deck out some of the more domestic aspects of your life with Kryptonian flair!
Approximate price range: $27.00 – $50.00
Shop Froolu
Shop Froolu is an Etsy-based store that centers around customized wood etching and engravings. They run the gamut on designs from people’s names to geeky symbology. Amongst their collection is a beautiful pair of Supergirl earrings, unlike anything else that I’ve ever seen.
Shop Froolu win big points for creating with a variety of natural materials and the featured earrings definitely seem like something the Kara Danvers fans are used to seeing on the Supergirl television show would wear herself to a day at Cat Co.
Not only that, but Shop Froolu has a very affordable price point to help bring some subtle Supergirl style into your life!
Approximate price range: $8.00 – $50.00
Best Yet Collectables
Best Yet Collectibles are an Etsy-based store that live up to their name. They have a collection of geek-based clothing and accessories – from hairbows to skirts! – with a big focus on the DCTV properties.
Their Supergirl products lean a little more comic book heavy than television heavy and that is perfectly alright by us! Best Yet Collectibles is for consumers who want to wear their fandom loud and proud and definitely seek to make a statement by featuring designs from stories like the Bombshells.
Approximate price range: $4.00 – $25.00
I hope you find a collection of singular Supergirl merchandise from this list from either yourself or a special person in your life. If you do pick anything up, let me know in the comment section below – or if you have any other sweet shops that you would like see featured on Chic Geek in the future, please share them in the comment section as well.
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