Perhaps the greatest comic book narrative of all time, ‘The Cowboy Wally Show’ tells the tale of Wallace Spompanado, whose meteoric rise and fall ends up being a savage satire of entertainment clichés and a fount of truly impressive black humor. Contractually obligated to create a movie version of William Shakespeare’s ‘MacBeth,’ Cowboy Wally is only slightly inconvenienced by the fact that he and his star are in jail for disorderly conduct. It’s just as well, given Wally’s “updating ” of the play, leading to some of the funniest comic bookery I have ever encountered. (Not for nothin’ does every single Ten Things have a not-so-hidden Cowboy Wally reference.)
Thanks to Faithful Spoilerite and friend of Major Spoilers Thomas Perkins for this week’s topic. Feel free to follow along @MightyKingCobra for more Ten Things madness on Twitter or check out the full archive here! As with any set of like items, these aren’t meant to be hard and fast or absolutely complete, especially given the years of output from Dell, Gold Key and Classics Illustrated.
Either way, the comments section is Below for just such an emergency, but, as always: Please, no wagering!
1 Comment
What, no “Sands of Blood”!? I have ruined many people’s weekends (as in, they couldn’t put the book down and got nothing accomplished) by giving them a copy of “The Cowboy Wally Show.”