I’m a fan of nearly all of the DC TV shows (not counting ‘Gotham’, which I find indefensible and discounting ‘Arrow’, which I only watch crossover episodes of) and enjoy a lot of what the creative teams are doing to bring everyone who died in ‘Crisis On Infinite Earths’ to the CW on a weekly basis. My major complaint of late comes in a strange, specific recurring trope: The Flash’s supporting cast contains a cadre of speedsters, Green Arrow’s is full of other archers, and Supergirl’s is full to bursting with flying bricks. It’s hard to articulate why I find this bothersome, but the sheer number of occurrences makes it clear that it’s an intentional act on the part of the producers, leading to today’s perplexed query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) understands Stephen’s point on this week’s MSP that they’re drawing upon decades of character, but still finds the whole thing to be odd, asking: Do you find it a problem that the DC TV shows seems to enjoy loading up with characters who duplicate the main hero’s abilities?
Not particularly. I mean, sure, I would love if they threw in a few other characters from the DC pool, but it isn’t like they are making up brand new characters. In the case of the other speedsters on The Flash, that kinda fits for me since there is a long history of The Flash and other speedsters teaming up or doing battle in the pages of the comics.
But, again, I would love to see more of the other characters from the vast DC library. Plenty of villains who can outsmart or use other means to bring down the super-powered heroes, and plenty of heroes with powers that aren’t duplicates of the main characters (and plenty without powers at all).
Yes and no. Yes, I find it problematic, just as I find it problematic when the comics do it too. But no, in the sense that they are just doing something the comics often do, so at least they are being some measure of faithful to the source material :/
Supergirl, that show would have me hooked if not for the abundance of kryptonians still kicking around. The Flash is understandable because of the high volume of speedsters in the dcu
I’ve never been a big fan of “this guy is just like our hero, but even better and EVIL!” stories. They are all the same: Hero gets beaten repeatedly, but in the end finds his “inner strength” and wins.