Top Five
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
This week, Hats. That’s right, you wear them on your head. But we aren’t talkin’ about just any ol’ hat, we’re offering up our list of the top five fictional hats. Yeah… listener request.
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A certain someone’s eagerly anticipated delivery sprung to my mind when I was putting together my own list:
As the semi-official Top Five archivist, I can tell you that this is episode 141 of Top Five, counting Express episodes, but not counting the four episodes of Major Spoilers that were Top Five lists or the Promo/Announcement episode. So, on to my own top five:
5) Dumb Donald’s hat from Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. It’s a stocking cap pulled all the way down below his nose, but somehow his eyes still show through. How can you not love that?
4) I admit this is a cheat, but it’s the toy that Chris Knight wears on his head at the faculty party in Real Genius. We used to call them “deelybobbers” when I was in school, and the iconic line is his response to “Why are you wearing that toy on your head?” “Because if I wear it anywhere else, it chafes.”
3) Actress Julie Andrews, writing under the name Julie Edwards, has put out a number of children’s books. The best of these is a fantasy novel called The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles. In that book, three children are learning from The Professor how to access a fantasy world called Whangdoodleland, and as an aid, he gives them each a hat he calls a “sympathetic hat” or, affectionately, a “scrappy cap”. Each is different, but I love them all. If you do an image search for “scrappy cap” you will see lots of school kids who made them as part of class units on the book. Adorable!
2) Riffing off of Rodrigo’s choice of Kung Lao, I have to go with Odd Job’s bowler from Goldfinger.
1) Jughead Jones’s Whoopee Cap (there’s a wonderful article about the real-world history of those at
Finally, I have to include a bonus which is not an individual hat, but rather a hat scene in a movie, from Murphy’s Romance in 1985, where James Garner explains what the set of your hat means about who you are. It’s a great scene, but what takes it over the top is how the two male characters pause at the end and then adjust their own hats.