Here in the United States (specifically one o’ them square ones innamiddle), Pokemon Go has been available for just over a month, and I’m pretty amazed at the number of friends and associates I have playing. Sure, I have a number of nerd friends from Major Spoilers and my days in comics retailing, but even non-gaming, non-comics associates are partaking, and I’ve been made aware that my workplace has a lot of Pidgeys by half a dozen people. As games go, it’s a remarkably ubiquitious phenomenon, leading us to today’s immersive query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) wants to clarify that we’re asking whether you participate, not whether you approve, asking: Pokemon Go or Pokemon No?
Pokémon no to me. I got nothing against it but I wouldn’t run well on my ancient phone.
I would like to play (in a sane manner, not going crazy and breaking in to zoos or falling down cliffs), but I do not have a phone capable of running it at the moment.
I’m in the same boat. Maybe after my upgrade come through
Pokemon Go! I’ve been walking a steady 10km (6.2 miles) per day since the game released.
It’s great exercise and I’ve gone walking in a lot of different parks and trails in and around my city.
I’m still having a lot of fun.
Pokémon No. Pokémon was just before my time and I don’t see the appeal. I’m pretty stunned by the phenomenon that its become. Last night at the movie theater I was at, they had a “trailer” of sorts telling the audience they were a hot spot and a gym for the game. Bizarre.
Happy to play it here when I have time.
Pokemon go for me. It’s got me walking a bit more so I’m happy to play.
Pokemon Go launched on my country (Chile) 2 days ago and it’s already crazy popular. I’ve known of people that I never pictured playing anything let alone something with pokémon on it, being completely obsessed with this. And I personally have walked way more than I’d normally do. After all, I’ve gotta catch’em all!
Pokemon Go! for me.
I just hit my 100km badge today, it gives me a decent distraction that gets me moving and sweating and it’s probably the only way to convince me to do a cardio, and most importantly it gives me more time to steam back issues of *Matthew impersonation* The Major Spoilers Podcast. Good episode with the best of 2009 by the way.