Is he the greatest superhero parody character of all time?
Naaah, that’s probably Deadpool, but he’s pretty awesome nonetheless. The Hog Of Steel, secretly mild-mannered reporter Philbert Desenex, dates back to 1961 and has had more than a few adventures parodying Superman in particular and comic book stories in general. His only weakness is strawberry pie, and while the humor isn’t always subtle or inoffensive, there’s still a lot of funny stuff in his appearances. It’s also a hoot to sing the TV Wonder Woman theme song with his name in place of hers…
Thanks to Faithful Spoilerite @otterdisaster for this week’s topic and free to follow along @MightyKingCobra for more Ten Things madness on Twitter (or check out the full archive here!) As with any set of like items, these aren’t meant to be hard and fast or absolutely complete, especially given that I had to be prudent about nudity and content issues to assemble this list.
Either way, the comments section is Below for just such an emergency, but, as always: Please, no wagering!