First appearing in 2001, intellectual young mutant Myles Alfred is a very pointed parody of the 1990s naming and character excess. Though he has the requisite feral nature and claws, he is also a renowned academic outside of superhero circles, and ends up in a same-sex romantic relationship with fellow X-Statix member Phat. Of course, because the series was what is was, he was fatally shot in the final issue of X-Statix, a meaningless, Pyrrhic death that accomplished little to nothing.
OMG there was really an X-Men title called X-Statix? Awful.
It was actually quite good. The whole point of the book was to skewer/parody the idea of the X-Men as well as the nascent celebrity culture… I recommend it, honesty.
I’ll second that. At the time it came out, I was fairly burnt out on X-Men and Marvel mutants, but it was a magnificently fun book. A bit messed up at times, but very entertaining all the same.