Forsythe P. Jones… Norville Rogers… J. Wellington Wimpy… The roster of legendary hamburger eaters of burgers is a long and storied one, running the gamut of time and space. Can Dagwood Bumstead, who can routine consume more than his own body weight in one sitting, out-eat the senator from Bismoll, Tenzil Kem? Will Shaggy’s legendary munchies outdo Jughead’s powerful stomach? And what about Faith, the slayer with the bottomless appetite? It’s the kind of thing that could launch a particularly gastronomical query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) cautions Faithful Spoilerites not to count out the omnivorous beanpole sailor known as Gilligan, asking: Which fictional character do you think can eat the MOST burgers in one sitting?
Shaggy. Jughead can eat a lot, but Shaggy can swallow large food items (such as a sub sandwich) whole without even chewing, and with no ill effects. Looking at past episodes, movies, specials and so on, he and Scooby have eaten enough food to clean out a fridge or buffet before being full.
Back in Grade School (somewhere around 4th or 5th grade), I came to the conclusion that Shaggy has some sort of pocket dimension in his stomach that allows him to eat so much without growing ill (and hyper-metabolism for when he DOES eat until he’s full and looks bloated, but a short while later he’s back to his scrawny self).
Its gonna be a tie between Blob and André The Giant. André totally counts, he’s a comic book character now.
J. Wellington Wimpy! He’s been practicing since 1919.