By nature, I’m a laid-back, ‘Can you start my orange?’ kind of person, and I don’t really fully understand the Type-A, ambitious and driven personality. Certainly part of that is personality-based, but it should be noted that the vast majority of my favorite fictional stories features the driven types as the villain: See Lex Luthor, Adrian Veidt and Starscream, which coincidentally would be a very entertaining and utterly ineffective legal team. There are exceptions (though the big ones, Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, inherited their money rather than create their own empires), leading us to today’s rigidly-time-managed query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) still thinks that Annie Edison is cute as the proverbial button, though, asking: Who is your favorite (non-evil) Type-A driven, ambitious fictional character?
Cyclops comes to mind first. Its pretty ambitious to decide to save your whole race no matter the cost, even if its out of necessity and not by choice.
Some of The Doctor’s recent companions. Amy Pond who wears the pants in the family and Clara Oswald, who seemed to wear the pants in the TARDIS.
Jon Snow.
Monica Geller Bing
I haven’t seen every episode once let alone 3 times like my wife has, but there are some episodes where he A gets pushed to 13 and she is hysterical.