The third installment of Dark Knight III is set to arrive in stores on March 9th, and the publisher is showing off many of the variant covers for the issue.
Book 3 of the upcoming issue of DARK KNIGHT III introduces Quar, the renegade fanatic priest of Kandor. Unwittingly freed and restored to normal size by Ray Palmer, Quar and his acolytes stake their claim to the planet Earth and demand nothing less than absolute obedience from the human race!
All that stands in the way is a (seriously) hobbled Bruce Wayne and Carrie Kelley, and they’ll need serious help, so they’re heading to a certain Fortress of Solitude to get it…
1 in 10 variant cover by Scott McDaniel
1 in 25 variant cover by Klaus Janson
1 in 50 variant cover by John Romita Jr.
1 in 100 variant cover by Frank Miller
1 in 500 variant cover by Jim Lee