As someone who grew a goatee in the early 1990s (I went to a Halloween party as ‘The Evil Me From The Mirror Universe’) and never shaved, I have no illusions of beardly glory. To be blunt, I’d look awful with the currently fashionable coal miner/goat beard anyway and I can’t really pull off a glorious Steve Austin policeman’s mustache, so it’s probably my best option. When it comes down to it, perhaps my favorite fictional beard belongs to Violet from ‘Rat Queens’ (she shaved it off before it was cool), but metafictionally speaking, it’s all about the luxurious sideburns of Mike from ‘The Monkees’, grown in real-life by actor/musician/renaissance man Michael Nesmith, leading to today’s tonsorial query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has also always preferred Doctor Strange with his David Niven pencil ‘stache, giving him that air of sophistications and otherworldliness, asking: What fictional character has the best facial hair of all?
If you hadn’t specified fictional, I would have said Lemmy.
I’m quite a big fan of Dum Dum Dugan’s mustache with the slight curl at the ends. Not a look I could ever pull off myself, but I do think it looks pretty cool.
While there are several more impressive displays when it comes to volume, I still have to say Robin Hood, as portrayed by Erroll Flynn. That thin goatee & ‘stache combination goes perfectly with the smuggest smile that ever sumgged and his dashing swordplay, strengthened by witty lines and insults.
Thomas Magnum would not work without the mustache. It’s the source of his power, and I went as him for Halloween last year.
My favorite is Wolverine. No where eles is there such a bad facial hair pulled off so well as to drive many readers to buy both movies and comics.
William Riker, whose beard is directly related to the quality of any given TNG episode. That’s why that first season is kind of Meh, clean shaven Riker.