The brilliance of Locke & Key is the merchandise opportunity Skelton Crew Studio found in making replicas of the keys from the series. The company opened pre-orders for two new keys this weekend – the Gender Key and Thorn Key.
Both are bright, shiny, two-tone plated beauties! Each has a limited edition run of exactly 1,000 AND if you order yours by Feb. 17, they’ll come signed! All Thorn Key pre-orders will be signed by sculptor Paul Harding and all Gender Key pre-orders will be signed by IDW Executive Vice President and “L&K” letterer Robbie Robbins.
With the release of these two keys, there will be 22 keys floating around. Not all of them are available anymore, so if you have a complete collection, you are breathing rarified air. Only two Giant Keys are known be around. One in the hands of Joe Hill and the other is at IDW Publishing.