The adventure begins where science ends is the tag for I, Mage #0 that kicks off this week from Action Lab Entertainment.
I, MAGE #0
Writer(s): Gary Turner
Artist Name(s): Carlos E. Gómez & Teodoro Gonzalez
Cover (Main) Artist(s): Carlos E. Gómez & Eddy-Swan
Cover (Photo Variant) Artist: Jeff Chapman
Kai and his family are on with a scientific mission to study a primitive world of magic when an unforeseen accident devastates their vessel, leaving Kai separated from the rest of the crew. Now, with the protection of a loading dock robot, an apprentice magi and her quirky mentor, Kai must survive on a world very different from his own!
32 pgs. / Rated. A / FC $3.99 (reg.) /$4.99 (var)