Top Five Accidental Discoveries
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
Sometimes you stumble upon something that is so wonderful that is becomes “your thing.” This week, we run down our top five accidental discoveries.
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Major Spoilers is definitely an accidental discovery!
Not generally being a comic book reader, I can’t imagine I’d have ever sought out this sight, or your podcast. Several years ago, somewhere around 2011, while exploring the podcast feed for something to listen to, I came across Critical Hit in the gaming section. I hadn’t played D&D since the 80s, so I thought it would be a hoot to listen to it and see what it was like these days.
Needless to say, I was instantly hooked! Of course, having become thoroughly absorbed into Critical Hit and D&D, I gave the main podcast a try, and despite not having a clue about any of the comic books you discussed, I still enjoyed your discussions and your humor. Of course, that led me to Top Five, Munchkinland, and Zach on Film as well, so now you guys are the voices in my head on any given work shift.
Therefore, the Major Spoilers Podcast Network is my #1 and only accidental discovery. (At least that I can think of right now.)
1. Major Spoilers Podcast- When I was in early high school, I was really sick for a few days, and I liked comics, so my mom picked up a copy of Kingdom Come for me. I read it, and loved it, so I went on the internet to see what other people thought of it, from that search I found Matthew’s review of it. “He’s wrong in so many places,” is what I remember thinking, and then the man went on to be probably the most influential person in terms of my comic reading habits. So without Major Spoilers, I don’t think I’d have nearly the comic knowledge I do know, and would have missed out on some truly formative stories.
2. The Big Lebowski- I remember just flipping through channels one night, and came across this movie. I looked up the name, and while I didn’t get a lot of the jokes at first, I pointedly rewatched, and rewatched, and rewatched, etc. Now any time it’s on, I’m there from beginning to end.
3. Cowboy Bebop- It was on at midnight (as memory recalls) and I wanted to be sneaky, and watch whatever was on. I got lucky, and it was three, two, one let’s jam.
4. Hellboy-I remember seeing this movie, and not knowing anything about it, but it quickly lead to me reading the comics, and being quite the fan ever since. Probably my gateway into reading comics outside of maybe the DCAU.
5. Shaun of the Dead- While not my favorite project by the group who made it (that being a tie between Spaced and Hot Fuzz) if not for my dad renting the movie, I would never have began my obsession with getting more British comedy.
Yeah, I get told I’m wrong on a lot of levels. :)
But proven right on a lot of others. :)