This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast: Star Wars spoilers? MST3K returns? Comic publishers not participating in Free Comic Book Day? All this plus reviews of King Tiger #4, Nova #1, and Dark Horse Presents #16, and a discussion on closing comment sections.
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More Star Wars Trailers and commercial spots
Writer: Randy Stradley
Artist: Doug Wheatley
King Tiger has used all his strength, expended every weapon, cast his last spell. His adversary is trapped, and Tiger is trapped with it. But Rikki Boyd, the woman whose heart he broke, refuses to let Tiger die alone. When magic fails, can the heart prevail?
TWO NOVAS?!?! Sam Alexander’s missing father is finally back and the two are making adventure a family business. With their Nova helmets that enable them to fly and shoot energy beams, they’re policing the Milky Way with their Nova Corps of two. But is everything what it seems? And if that weren’t enough, Sam is also now an Avenger!
Dark Horse Presents #16
Whether we recognize it or not, we are all creatures of habit. Having a routine keeps us from losing our minds, and flinging our poo at the person walking down the street (or so I’ve been told). The Four S Morning Routine is one that most of us follow, which makes me wonder what do you do first?
What morning task do you do first?
Brush your teeth
Comb your hair
If you want to suggest a trade paperback, you need to send an email to That suggestion will go into the hopper and at least once a month, we’ll pick a number of suggestions for you to vote on, and at the end of the polling period, the book with the most votes will get the Major Spoilers Podcast treatment.
DISCUSSION: Closing Comments
Many sites on the Internet have opted to shut down their comment sections completely, or move to another forum for discussion. How does this affect Major Spoilers, and by extension our wonderful Spoilerites?
Also, Google Play Podcasts, and a quick pondering on future potential podcasts.
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Like Stephen, I too noticed a decline in comments on articles and reviews which is disappointing. I really liked hearing reader’s thoughts on books I review whether they agree or not and always try to respond when possible. There’s no better way to improve your writing or learn to look at something a different way than to get someone else’s perspective.
I was just thinking why its happening myself. I guess one reasons could be that social media apps on smartphones take so much time and attention now.
As we mentioned in the discussion many sites are pushing the discussion to social media instead of dealing with trolls and negative comments on their own sites.
For me, this was probably the most cynical and judgmental MSP yet. I thought of the Start Wars spoiler stuff was sort of a treatise on absolving oneself from personal responsibility. The MST3K stuff somehow walked the line between fandom and superciliousness. Thank god Rodrigo was on hand as The Voice of Reason to get me through to the reviews (which were excellent and entertaining).
I’ll try to post something soon that is more positive. I haven’t posted in a long while, and I don’t want to just be a voice of negativity. But that was a rough one!!
I guess I didn’t see the Star Wars discussion like that – more a discussion of studios revealing too much in the trailers and the stated “truths” that tend to not be a solid as they claim.
There’s nothing wrong with fandom – we totally freaked during Mark Waid first interview us years ago. And as stated during the MST3K discussion, there are questions that aren’t being answered in the Kickstarter campaign – LIKE WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING! So we do need to ask those questions, and walk that line between “fandom” and questioning motives.
Glad you enjoyed the show!
Also… we’ve been way more judgmental of comics and stuff in the past…
If I wasn’t a fan on fandom, I wouldn’t listen to the show!
Good reply. I too am curious about where all that money goes from Kickstarter campaigns.
I don’t post a lot in the comment section. Part of it is overall shyness in commenting on content I love. How do I express myself without sounding silly?
I will endeavor to try to post more often.
I’m going to bet that you won’t sound silly… you don’t sound silly in this comment :)
I learned a long time ago to love what you love no matter what other people think about it. Everyone has different tastes and mentioning things can spark even more discussion. For example, most 44-year-old people ate not supposed to read kids comics, but I can’t wait for Scooby-Doo to come out every month.
Great episode, just never thought to comment before. Figured a lot of podcast sites don’t pay attention to random comments, but great to know the Major Spoilers gang does!
Did any of you check out Monstress last week? How great was that comic?
I have no idea how to start this since I blank on comments when I try to post them. So I will just say this. The love I have for the website and shows is overwhelming, so I don’t want to just post anything unless I have something to say and I am really bad at grammar. Beyond that i am the wierd person who loves spoilers way to much. If I hear or read one it makes me want to see it that much more. So what I am really saying is make a podcast that is nothing but spoilers and call it minor spoilers. Ps. Please force Mathew to sing 1980’s hits in torque’s voice.
One of the big reasons I don’t comment more is that I listen to you guys at work. As such, though I have plenty of things I want to say, by the time I get home I forgot I even wanted to comment. Otherwise, I’m sure I’d be much more active.
As far as forums are concerned, it seems more and more people forget what they’re actually good for – long form conversation and reference material. What do I mean? Well, one of the big reasons I’m upset at WotC right now is that one of the resources that I used were their forums. The D&D community had analyzed all the moves and classes and what and had written up guides on how to build characters more efficiently for what you wanted to do. That way you can not only be that fun build you had in mind, you can be useful too. And the community there was real good at finding better ways to do something you thought you’d figured out – I’d gone there with a witch character in mind, and by the time I left, the character was far more useful than they would have been otherwise. THAT is why I like forums, why I wish they’d be given more respect. Go ahead – tell me how to make a stealth-based warlock in 140 characters or less. I’d love to see it.
I know today is the day of immediacy and instant gratification, but dangit some of us enjoy long form conversation. Long discussions of things we like – in my case mostly gaming – can’t really be done on other forms of social media. A well built forum would foster and encourage these conversations. Heck, the Golden Sun community’s a good example. There may not be much of us left, but we tend to cluster in forums mostly. From conversations about characters to the things done right and wrong in Dark Dawn, there’s a lot to be said and forums actually give us the room to discuss them. Plus, I myself have built many a refernce guide of my own on those forums.
That’s why I very much dislike the direction social media is going. The “can’t be bothered” attitude that many groups take towards forums (and to a lesser extent, comments sections) also leads to what I view is a net loss in the end – things become stark and impersonal. Are there risks with forums and comments? Yeah. But nothing worth doing is easy now, is it?
As for your anonymity issues… I very much disagree. I like the fact that I’m not limted to who I am in real life, that I can be the person I’d rather be online. It gives me opportunities I wouldn’t otherwise have. Sure, some people abuse this. And those people should and CAN be punished – there are systems already in existance to deal with these people.
Thanks for your comments!
I also listen to all the podcasts at work, and have the very same problem, especially since I drop my kids off at school, sleep, and pick them up again before I can sit down and comment on anything, and by then I have forgotten what I would have said! :)
I totally agree. I loved those WotC forums so much, they were the best part of the website and invaluable for off the cuff DM ideas.
Plus, there’s something old-fashioned and charming about a web forum. It’s a community. Usually a very strange community, but it’s certainly more intimate than a bunch of strangers shouting across each other in the Twitter vortex.
I almost wish I hadn’t seen the trailers now. There was a outline of the entire plot online, and it basically spoils the entire movie. I didn’t read it, but I glanced at it, and that was to much. Don’t think many took it that seriously but the trailers line up with it pretty well. Add that with my keeping up with the production, I’m pretty certain I now know where every scene in the trailers takes place.
Good thing is I’m still spoiler free in terms of actual plot and what happens in these scenes.
I know when it happens, but I don’t know what’s happening. :)
Hooray, this is the first time ever I’m a bigger nerd about something than the MSP crew! (Also I have the advantage of coming in a day later with more information, hello past people).
So here are some facts that were missed about the MST3K Kickstarter:
1. There will be an all new cast, which have already been selected. New ‘bots, new host, new mad scientist (lots of Felicia Day fan rumors have been circulating for that last one). Joel says he always thought of the show like Doctor Who, with a constantly changing cast. The way he talks about it on his reddit AMA and in the details of the Kickstarter makes it sound like he expects the show to keep going for decades. Which brings us to point
2. Joel is hoping to get the show back on TV, and is using the Kickstarter to call attention to the rabid fan base that the show still has. He believes that the show could go on for DECADES, with new hosts every few years as necessary. This seems a little ambitious to me, but I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to it.
It also sounds like he plans to distribute these Kickstarted shows MST3K’s new platform, presumably making them available freely for anyone who’s interested, backer or not.
3. Stephen! They have an in-depth look at where the cash is going up on the Kickstarter now! I think it’s a little weird that they didn’t put this up right away when they launched it, but I’m glad they put it up now. Kickstarter always feels a little scammy to me until I get the price breakdown (and even then it can get shady).
I’m definitely going to donate a few dollars. MST3K is one of my favorite things ever, and I personally would love to see a new host’s take on it.
Joel sent out a Kickstarter email that answered all of these questions yesterday :)
He also included the cost breakdown for everyone as well. I agree this should have been part of the initial launch. I think his reddit AMA didn’t go as well as he hoped it would, which prompted the email response.
I used to make a point of commenting on ALL the shows i listened to on all sites.
Lately Majorspoilers has just grown som much and put out so much content that I just can’t seem to keep up :(
As Im writing this, this “post” isn’t even on the front page of Majorspoilers.
Ill be sad if the comments goes away, but i must admit that im less likely to post a comment when the post is on page 3 or 4 in less than a day.
Thank you for a great show.
Yup, we do generate content, but keep in mind that while this post may now be on page 26, there are other people who are coming right to this post/page regardless of where it is positioned, simply because the found the post via a search engine, or they have also clicked on the link in the show notes that brings them directly to this page. So for many (most) people this is their first stop :)
I know you have probably seen this feature, but for those hitting the comments for this show for the first time, there is a feature in the podcast feed that allows you to click on the embedded http link that will take your directly to the show notes page for the episode.
Thanks for sharing!
I comment when
* I’m passionate about a certain topic
* I can answer a question someone else has asked
* I have a question
I don’t comment when:
* I know nothing about something. That’s why you won’t see me commenting on most comic previews
* My opinion has being stated by someone else. If that happens and there’s a way to “like” the comment of that other person, I’ll do that… Maybe you could add that to the site
* The topic is too old. This happens a lot because I listen to way too many podcasts and I can’t keep up with all of them. Commenting on episode X of a podcast when there have been 2 new episodes released feels a little dumb to me. The exception being this comment of course
Particularly with the Major Spoilers site, I think one big issue is that you talk about a lot of different things and not everyone is going to be interested in all of them. I visit other sites more focused on certain things and those tend to have a lot more comments per topic, since a larger number of their fans are interested on the same thing.