Nic Pizzolatto’s second season of True Detective is over. Let us expand your mind with easter eggs of the season, and our thoughts on how the character’s arc played out. Let’s all visit Vinci, CA and explore Ray Velcoro’s mustache!
Be careful! This podcast contains SPOILERS. So if you don’t want to know what happens, then you should come back later.
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1 Comment
You two make a lot of great points for this season. I would agree that even though it wasn’t great, it’s still better than most of what is on TV. My biggest issues for the season were Taylor Kitsch (for all the reasons you said), I found Bezziredes backstory to be uninteresting, and the plot seemed overly complicated. I am not one to say you should talk down to your audience, but this season had me going how is this supposed to be connected again? The season also made me ask the worst question for media: Why should I care? This season’s pacing was abysmal to me, and had they tightened things up (which should have been done with only eight episodes) I might have said it was as good as the first.
The season was not a fail by any means, it just wasn’t the most interesting. Rate: B-/B
Season 3 I’d say go for West Virginia, which while “southern” does have its own distinct flavor to it. Very isolationist, and there is plenty of dark history to work with the state. Barring that go north into Maine territory, though that may feel too much explicit Lovecraft connections. Setting it in LA for season 2 seemed like they were treading well trodden territory. I fully agree going back to Marty & Russ would be a huge mistake.