The Rise of the Superheroes and Their Impact on Pop Culture came on like gangbusters a few months ago, as Stan Lee and Michael Uslan, and David Uslan taught you everything about superheroes in our culture. edX let us know that the class is coming back again, and it is completely FREE!
The class started on August 12, but you can still register for the class and get in without being too far behind.
Join the Smithsonian, and comic book industry legend Stan Lee, to explore the history of the comic book and the rise of superheroes.
The ancient gods of Egyptian, Greek and Roman myths still exist, but today, they have superpowers, human foibles and secret identities. They come from comic books and graphic novels, and have taken over pop culture on the stage, screen, video games, and animation.
From Superman® and Spider-Man®, to The Avengers® and The Hulk® and beyond, who are these heroes? And, how have they evolved from folklore and myth, across all cultures and religions?
The Rise of Superheroes and Their Impact On Pop Culture | SmithsonianX on edX | Course Video
New from Stan Lee, Michael Uslan and the Smithsonian – take this course for free on edX:…
Looks good to me! I’m signing up right now!