Certain heroes just aren’t themselves without their signature weapon of choice: Captain America and his mighty shield. Condor Joe and his feather shuriken. Batman and… Uhhhh… Every implement known to man, except bat-shaped. Even the heroes of Critical Hit might not be who they are if not for their various axes, swords, whips and bionic arms, as Dungeons and Dragons makes it doubly important that you know how to fighty-fighty. But this also raises the question of which would be better; Is Mal Duncan’s sidearm superior to Han Solo’s blaster? Would Crystal Gem Garnet’s gauntlets be more useful than Savant’s seven-league boots? These questions of form and function are always fascinating, and lead us to today’s well-armed query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has long had a love of the bludgeony-type stuff, but lately has developed an appreciation for the scimitar, asking: If you struck out on your epic quest of destiny right now, what would be your weapon of choice?
Just a little Walther P-38 pistol. Which transforms into a MEGATRON!
Either a Nightsister Energy Lance from Star Wars or a Ma’Tok Staff (the Jaffa staff that also shoots blasts) from Stargate. In both games and real life, I’ve always had more interest in melee weapons over guns and other things, and I’m quite fond of polearms, so I’m going with something I’d actually be able to use.
On the more realistic side, a good durable sword (or two), preferably something like a katana or scimitar rather than a broadsword.
Taking the lesson from Jimmy Malone about not bringing a knife to a gunfight, I’d have to go with a Klingon Type-3 disruptor. You know, for personal security.
Although, thinking about my own abilities (or lack thereof) I may be more suited to simply wearing a LoSH force-field belt…
I’d take Thundarr’s Fabulous Sunsword. It’s like a light saber, but it can also deflect magic bolts from evil wizards.
I’m going to cheat:
Megas XLR!
You don’t know how hard I had to try to stop myself from just using any of the Super Sentai mecha. And I don’t even mean the obvious choice of the combined mech, even just a single mech would do since they are still more powerful than most other things. They could just step on or run over any opposition I may face and be done with it.
My weapon of choice has always been a baseball bat with a bunch of nails through it.
It’s a blunt weapon and a piercing weapon.
And it makes a highly effective back scratcher.
SCI-FI: Space Ghost’s do-anything blasters.
Fantasy: The staff Goku used as a kid.
Sonic screwdriver. Them suckers do just about everything.
Can I be the one to ask “What are you going to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?”?
Assuming the Orb wouldn’t just destroy me when I touched it, The Sword of the Rivan King.