Though not as rich with the new-and-different as the sixties, the 1970s brought some much-needed superhero diversity to comic books, even as several long-time publishers finally made their way out of what was becoming a two-company game. Both Marvel and DC comics expanded into cosmic story-telling, but those heroes at street-level found a level of realism that comics had never seen before. Licensed properties once again became major players, thanks to the bonafide cultural earthquake that was Star Wars, but paper shortages, inflation and a changing cultural landscape made for the weakest comics market in twenty years, which brings us to today’s outtasite query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds Faithful Spoilerites to check carefully the debut dates before voting for your fave-raves, asking: Who is the coolest superhero to debut in the 1970s?
Whole new team from Giant Size X-Men. Later I came to realize that it wasn’t common at all for super heroes to be, you know, from different countries and all, not just ‘murica and even regularly be reminded about it.
Though not quite as difficult for me to choose as the 40’s and 60’s, the 70’s still had some decent choices.
My top three tie are Shang-Chi (Debut: December 1973), Black Cat (July 1979) and Swamp Thing (July 1971).
And while not a single character, I am also quite fond of the New Gods, The Forever People and the other connected characters (such as Big Barda and Mr. Miracle) who all made their debut in the first half of 1971.
Storm and Nightcrawler.
If I was forced to choose between the two? Nightcrawler.
Jonah Hex. The roughest toughest weirdest cowboy west of the Mississipi.