Art doesn’t always mean pen and paper or a digital art piece posted online, sometimes it can be something completely functional like a skateboard – or more specifically a custom made Longboard.
ByAndreas has been building boards for skaters, and the passion put into the project, including the graphic design he puts on all of the boards has always impressed me (I’ve known him for several years). The Boy is just about ready to upgrade from a plastic ’70s style board to something a bit more fun, and I think I know who I’ll be turning to for the new board.
Check out this video of Andreas building a Cruiser Longboard.
byAndreas Cruiser Longboard
2 Days of making a byAndreas cruiser. Music: “Only You” by Lolawolf
So impressive! I love custom boards that are more than just a factory stamped job.
You can find out more about Andreas and his art, which goes beyond boards at