What will be the most crowded event at the San Diego Comic-Con? What panel will have the longest lines? What event will have the most security present to slap the camera out of your hand if you try and take a picture? STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS!
Disney has announced it will attend the San Diego Comic-Con next month and give fans a special look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The even will take place in Hall H on Friday July 10th, which is interesting as historically, Saturday was the big day at the convention with lines for Hall H extending down and around the convention center, into the Gas Lamp District and all the way down to Maritime Museum. Okay, we may be exaggerating a bit on the last part…
Still it is good to see Star Wars return to San Diego to promote the new film. Way back in the day (1976 to be exact), George Lucas took Star Wars: A New Hope to the San Diego Comic Con to promote the flick, and get audience pumped for its release in 1977. Interestingly, Star Wars opened on May 25, 1977 in fewer than 40 theaters. Over the course of the next several months, demand increased as did the theater count reaching 3,000 theaters by the end of the summer. When Star Wars: The Force Awakens arrives in December, expect it to be in nearly every single theater in the world.