This week, on the Major Spoilers Podcast, we dip into the mailbag and answer your comic and pop culture questions that are circulating in your head.
But the only way we can answer your questions is if you send those questions our way. Drop us an email at or use the comment section below.
Don’t Delay! We record the episode at 7:30 PM CDT Tuesdays, so if you don’t have your questions in by then, we won’t be able to answer them.
What comics are you guys reading that you feel don’t get enough attention?
If you were to create a fictional character named “Major Spoiler,” what kind of story would that be? Is it a super-hero tale, a sci-fi military space opera, or something else?
I you could forget and read again any one comic story arc, graphic novel or limited series, experiencing it like you were reading it for the first time, fresh from the shelf, which one would it be?
*erm, “IF, you could” of course.
Have there been any trades that you considered reviewing for the podcast, but then decided for whatever reason not to?
With Stephen’s fandom of the DC multiverse, have you guys ever read any volumes of The Exiles?
After the current game of Modern City ends, what is the plan for the Critical Hit podcast? Will Modern City continue as a VIP podcast?
What TV shows or movies are you most looking forward to in the fall?
When are you going to update the title card drawing to include Zach?!
Has Mathew tried getting into the IDW Transformers? Is there a good jumping on point for that series? It seems like there are like 6 arcs going at any one time.
Are you ever going to go back to doing Saturday shows where you don’t have a format and just talk about whatever? That was always one of my favorite shows.
What do you guys think of the Man of Steel movie and how do you feel about the sequel?
If I ever decide to be a VIP member, is there a way to listen to the paywall shows through iTunes? Having to go through the website is difficult while at work when I normally listen to your show.
If you want to get into IDW Transformers go with More Than Meets The Eye, but make sure you get at least the first volume as a trade because you get a One Shot that sets some stuff up.