This weekend, Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron opened in the United States of America to an impressive $187.7 million, which is a great opener for most films, but not if your predecessor opened at $207.4 million.
With a large release, Avengers: Age of Ultron didn’t quite make the $200 million fans had hoped for, with everything from the no “shiny new” factor, a major boxing match, the Kentucky Derby, Game 7 of the Clippers v Spurs, keeping movie goers occupied with other things. Still, Avengers Age of Ultron scored well with the foreign box office, bringing in another $200 million bringing the world wide take to $628.6 million. The movie has yet to open in Japan (July 4) and China (May 12). Iron Man 3 brought in $64 million on its opening weekend, while Furious 7 took $182.4 million. Over the next two weeks, before Mad Max: Fury Road opens) Avengers: Age of Ultron could bring in another $250 million world wide, pushing the movie close to the $1 billion mark, but at this point I don’t think the movie will reach my estimated $2 billion in its initial run.