In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: Zombie-Gators in Soggy Town? Ghosts in the Machine!? Will our heroes survive the night!? Find out in the latest installment of Modern City Tales!
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Still really enjoying the game of Fate you guys are running. Have to agree (at least so far) with some of the comments Rob was making at the beginning that the world creation is more fun than the actual game.
I love the open world that’s created and the fact that you can do anything with the Fate tool. I think it loses a little something because of that though, its too wide open, there’s not enough in the way of rules to define situations and it relies a little too much on the abilities of the GM to be able to make off-the-cuff decisions about these things.
I think this is why it might seem a little directionless at times or why occasionally listening to the game it kind of sounds like a everyone’s thinking “Am I meant to say something?” and then the boldest person going next. This also might be the fact that you guys said you hadn’t really played Fate before so I’d love to read comments from other people who have more experience with the game.
That said, I’m still really enjoying the series and looking forward to it. I just wish my group were as big into roleplay as you guys.
Loved it – thanks guys
Really enjoying the Fate System and i think once the guys understand the limitations and the difference between stunts, defence and flavour text everything will run much more smoothly.
Also, while listening to the radio i found the news report from Action News! about the Zombie-Gators
This is a nice game, it’s pretty enjoyable to listen to but I have to say I’m ready to hear more on the main story line. Any chance of, in the future, instead of running two off season sessions y’all can only run one?
I know why you guys chose not to play a medieval high fantasy version of fate, but I can’t help but wonder how it would play? I bet it would be a lot of fun making D&D type characters on such an open system!
On a side note, I picture the Modern City hockey expansion team being called the Zombie Gators!