You may have heard that Sony Pictures has set up a Ghostbusters production banner called Ghost Corps to capitalize on the fervor/excitement regarding an all female Ghostbusters movie. The idea is to have another movie in production featuring an all-male cast, with Channing Tatum set to produce and possibly star. While many of us are troubled by the boy vs. girl nature of franchise, and even more troubled that the Interwebz seems to be taking sides on who is going to “win”, the idea that the original Ghostbusters (Egon, Peter, Ray, and Winston) have franchised their company to others is rather interesting. Which brings us to this week’s big question…
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It makes sense. 4 people can’t possibly respond fast enough to spectral anomalies world wide, however it smacks of backpedaling on the part of the studio.
Would much rather they stick to thier vision.
Is there an option for none? I had a problem with the statement “fervor/excitement regarding an all female Ghostbusters movie” because I have zero interest in a new Ghostbusters movie, regardless of cast.
So, in any case – I think I’ll choose Money Grab because they have the news and interest now, so it’s a chance to try to drum up more.
I’ve been a big Ghostbusters fan since childhood, and the idea of GB franchises is something that a lot of Ghostbusters fan groups have toyed with for a long, long time. Many fan groups call themselves a franchise of the area they are from all because it came from something within the setting similar to Star Wars fan groups naming themselves after Imperial or Rebel squadrons. So the idea of multiple Ghostbusters franchises makes perfect sense to me. A lot of us have actually spent years surprised that they didn’t do more with the idea until the recent past.
Ideally, there should be SOME involvement of the original crew. Maybe Ray is helping them set up their containment unit or training them in use of the proton packs and/or trap maintenance, or they have a guidebook authored by Egon (R.I.P. Mr. Ramis).
Dear Hollywood. Please, just make movies. Stop planning sequels, franchises, and bloody universes, before the foundation film is even written. This GhostBusters gambit MIGHT work…or it’ll go the way of the previously announced Sony Spidey universe. Make a good movie, the rest will follow. Try making a fricking universe, and it’ll likely collapse like a flan in a cupboard.
It’s all Marvel’s fault, really. How dare they make a successful and paradigm changing series of movies.
I thought the question was meant about the GB name being franchised within their setting (like McDonalds, only instead of serving food you’ve got people catching ghosts), not in the sense of the Ghostbusters entertainment franchise. It was mentioned in the first movie (Peter said something along the lines of franchise rights bringing in big bucks), then used in other material (such as the recent comics having the Rookie from the recent video game setting up a GB franchise in Chicago).
It’s actually one of the better ideas for launching a franchise. Avoids the whole reboot or children of the originals approach we frequently see. That being said, I’m not sure Ghostbusters is a big enough franchise to drive this many films. The original trilogy fell off quickly after the novelty of the first film wore off. Of course, they’ve managed to turn 21 Jump Street in to a successful property so who can tell these days.
When I first heard of an all-female Ghostbusters my first reaction was “Why does it have to be all women?” After thinking about it I realized I would not have questioned an all-male cast and figured all that matters is that the people are funny.
That being said, I didn’t chose any of the options because I don’t think any of them are indicative of the real reason they’ve decided to have two movies. It seems to me like they got cold feet over the all-female cast and so are hedging their bets on a Ghostbusters movie franchise by making a second, ‘safer’ movie.