Robyn Hood Ongoing #6 – A Maid Marian Mystery! (Stand Alone Story)
Written by Pat Shand
Art by Jaime Salangsang Jr
Colors by Slamet Mujiono
Letters by Jim Campbell
Edited by Pat Shand
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 1/28/15
One year ago, Robyn Locksley was brought to Myst, a realm of
swords and sorcery, to save the city of Nottingham from a
great evil. Lives were lost and hearts were broken, but the war
is finally over. Joined by Marian Quin—a witch who has, up until
now, only known the ways of Myst—Robyn returns home to New
York, ready to begin a new chapter in her life…This is the story
of Robyn Hood.
Ever since leaving Myst, Marian’s magic hasn’t been the same. As
Robyn examines her own dangerous temper, Marian seeks help
from a mysterious source. All the while, the enigmatic Cabal
observes from the shadows.