Many a famous figure has appeared in Marvel comics over the years, and in November, CNN’s Anderson Cooper makes his Marvel Comics debut.
In the press release from the company, Marvel has Mr. Cooper looking into the “truth” behind Black Widow’s activities.
“It’s Anderson doing what he does best: looking for the truth and reporting on events,” says series writer Nathan Edmondson in an interview with “We imagine that in Black Widow’s world, as would be the case with many other Avengers, things she does can’t be ignored by the media and all it takes is somebody who knows how to ask the right questions to make her world very uncomfortable for her but in a way that is perhaps not unjust.”
We know that Black Widow is a killer. Will Mr. Cooper’s investigation harm heroes in the Marvel U, or will the citizens of the world give Black Widow a pass? We’ll find out in Black Widow #12 that arrives in November.