It didn’t look like there was a lot said during the Superman panel today at the San Diego Comic Con, but one of our Spoilerites was there, and told us a Superman costume redesign is in the works from John Romita, jr.
John Romita, when asked about the new 52 costume and whether he liked it or not said, “in a future issue, he will be in a battle and his costume will be shredded. And DC gave me the go ahead to redesign his costume. I haven’t started on it, and have no idea what I’m going to do with it. But it’s very exciting to work on it. “
Interesting if/when it happens. Will the costume go back to the original design? Maybe the part of the costume that gets shredded is the trunk area, requiring Supes to wear his underwear on the outside again.
I’m crossing my fingers for something a little like the “Justice Lords” Superman.
Ooh, that’d be cool. In classic colors or the ones the Lord was wearing?
I’m imagining some midway point, keeping the dark blue/black of the Justice Lords style for the body, but replacing the white/red parts with the classic red/yellow.
JRJR, you listening? Go with Alisha’s idea here, and I’ll buy every issue of your Superman from here on out.
jrjr sucks
Won’t DC & Warner want the new suit to be in line with the movie costume? You know… synergy!
Supposedly his costume was based on circus strong man costumes of the era though that doesn’t explain why circus strong men would wear their underpants on the outside of their tights… but I have a different theory. Superman is the Man of Steel and steel rusts when it gets wet… so my theory is that he wears red shorts on the outside of his tights so the rust stains won’t show… I think he should get some neat Kryptonian armor like in the Man of Steel Movie, but nobody’s paying me for my opinion.
My understanding is that he was originally designed to be shirtless and just wearing trunks boots and a cape. They tweaked the original art and basically filled his skin in with blue and added the S shield later. This is where the trunks came from.