In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: In which the party encounters a Drow…
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I, for one, love the mix of character sessions, combat sessions, and mailbag sessions. The important thing is that Critical Hit and the other Major Spoilers podcasts help me stay employed by preventing me from walking out on my job out of boredom and frustration. Thanks, Critters! I’m looking forward to what’s next now that the party has finally made it to the Underdark. Where have all those pesky drow gone?
I really, really loved this episode. Good to see a certain NPC back again.
I really enjoyed the feedback at the beginning of the episode. I would love to see discussion of the comments from the previous week’s episode become a regular lead in, not only for Critical Hit, but also for the other podcasts in the MSP lineup. It would not need to be the whole crew like a mailbag episode, just anyone that can happen to get together for a quick 10-20 minute discussion.
As for the episode itself, it was a good follow up from last week. Although it was a bit short, the return of [REDACTED] was a glorious surprise. Always good to see [~~~] and it was quite interesting to see Trelle’s reaction/ interaction with this person she just met.
Another great job everyone!
is back!!! I’m so happy!! :)
Rodrigo, you are the best!
The return of the person who apparently we’re all trying to avoid spoiling for the people who read the comments of an episode before listening to it and expect not to be spoiled (who does that, seriously?) was super super awesome and s/he is super super awesome and I hope s/he’ll be around for “a while.”
I really hope we don’t just blow through the Underdark in a few quick episodes, though. There are so many iconic baddies down there (not including the missing Drow), it would be super disappointing if the party sprinted to the Underfey without having to deal with some mindflayer madness. Something about the way our returning friend talked made it sound like getting to the portal wouldn’t take very long. The Astral Sea, the Natural Plane and the Fey Wild all got at least a season devoted to them (in some cases much more), so it’d be disappointing to be in and out of the Underdark so quickly.
My ability to comment is a little birthday.
Excellent reply
That last episode was amazing. It reminded of a time I had my players stuck in a room without a way out trying to figure out what was going on. It was glorious.