A few weeks ago we were given a teaser of The Flash’s costume for the upcoming CW show. Now a new image has been released showing the full costume! View and discuss now!
Grant Gustin is shown above in the costume designed by Colleen Atwood, who also designed the costume for Arrow. Atwood is no stranger to the land of costume design as the multiple wins and nominations from work on Alive in Wonderland, Sleepy Hollow, and Chicago can prove.
So, what really matters is what you think about it? Do you like the direction they have taken the iconic look? Still want to see what it looks like under the lights of television? Give all your thoughts in the comments now!
I like it! It looks stitched enough to be “real” and not just spandex, while still maintaining a Silver Age vibe you don’t get from Arrow.
I really like it and think it is one of the best designed superhero costumes (in TV at least). I’m glad they didn’t put fake muscles or attempt to make him bulkier as the Flas doesn’t need it. My only complaint is the needless texture that is all the rage for costumes these days. Can’t wait.
Chris touched on my one thought, Flash should be very sleek & aerodynamic, plus a teency bit more yellow couldn’t hurt.
he most likely has a belt we can’t see
Too much texture makes it not look “fast” IMO
Yeah, less basketball texture and more sleek would be better IMHO but maybe they tried that and it didn’t look right.
*Whew* It’s not a leather jacket. Best costume the CW’s done. I couldn’t even tell it was a “CW” superhero. Looks legit.