Production has begun on one of the most anticipated movies of 2015, Avengers: Age of Ultron. Currently shooting is taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa and it looks as if some person has gotten a bit too angry and started taking it on vehicles.
Now official description has been released about what is being filmed currently, but rumor has it they are shooting a 10 minute sequence to open the film which will include the Hulk. Which, if is true, would be the best way to open Age of Ultron; Hulk smashing stuff! LOUDLY! Here are the images:
It is going to be hard to keep set pictures like these appearing online, I think, during the shooting of the film, so you can be sure that when more appear online Major Spoilers will have them here for you to view!
Avengers: Age of Ultron releases into theaters May 1, 2015.