The Midas Flesh is a science fiction comic that builds its story around ancient Greek mythology. Fatima and her space crew are looking for a lost forbidden planet called Earth. On this alternate Earth, King Midas of mythology has turned the entire planet into gold. Fatima and her crew are trying to figure out the source of this power so they can harness it to combat their nemesis, the Federation. However, the Federation has discovered Fatima’s ship and secretly sending people to stop her.
Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb
Letterer: Steve Wands
Colorist: Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb
Editor: Shannon Watters
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in The Midas Flesh: Fatima and her space crew arrive on the outskirts of a mysterious planet known as Earth. As they travel closer to the planet, they are ambushed by Ancient Federation satellites. Fatima and her crew fend off the satellites and reach the planet, which has been covered in gold. They discover that anything that touches the Earth’s surface turns into gold. Meanwhile, many years ago, Midas, a king in the Mediterranean invites a weary traveler, Silenus, into his home. After several days of celebration and feasting, Midas returns Silenus to his home in Lydia. Silenus’s son, King Dionysus, gives Midas one wish for treating his father so well. Midas wishes that everything he touches turns to gold. At that moment, the entire planet becomes solid gold.
Ryan’s North’s science fiction exploration comic continues with The Midas Flesh #2. Fatima and her crew do research on the gold planet, hoping to locate the origin of the planet’s golden touch. They collect examples and data, finally reaching the palace where Midas is made his wish. The writer does a good job balancing the science fiction elements of this comic with the mythology supporting the overall exploration. To convey dialogue, Ryan North has his characters use modern dialogue and actions, such as saying, “What, what,” or taking cell phone photos. It may be out of place for a science fiction comic but it opens up a more familiar setting to the reader. Fatima’s crew uses all the technology in their disposal to unravel Earth’s mysteries. In doing so, they unlock the rules that govern the planet’s golden touch power, giving the reader more details about the world of The Midas Flesh. It is a storytelling style that relies on actions of the characters rather than narration. Although it can be confusing at times, it covers all the informational bases needed to understand the comic. Unlike the first issue, The Midas Flesh #2 reveals background on one of Fatima’s crew members, the dinosaur Cooper. Through this flashback and cut scenes, the Federation are clearly the antagonists of the series. From their appearances, they seem to be similar to the Alliance from Firefly, a tyrannical government that controls everything in the galaxy.
Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb provide interior artwork for The Midas Flesh #2. Although the character designs are well done, it is a cartoon style similar to children’s book illustrations. The design of Cooper, as well as his flashbacks are carefully designed. Every detail is meticulously executed, from the dinosaur’s sleeping to the emotion he expresses. Color schemes also play a large role in conveying action and emotion in The Midas Flesh. While shaded colors are used to depicts space, lighter and brighter colors are used for the atmosphere of Fatima’s interior ship or the gold surface of Earth. One flaw in the artwork is its depiction of time. The story relies on silent panels to depict action through the passage of time. However, since it is not done well, these panels are very vague.
Ryan’s North, Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb combine to create a creative, out of this world comic book with The Midas Flesh #2. By blending mythological elements with science fiction technology, Ryan North creates a world built on incredible imagination. With Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb’s illustrations to support the story, The Midas Flesh has been a great comic to read so far.