The Bringer of Darkness, the Oncoming Storm, the Doctor, the Warrior – A Time Lord! The 50th Anniversary features Matt Smith, David Tennant and a mysterious incarnation played by John Hurt. Only one appears in the mini episode, The Night of the Doctor. But which?
The Night of the Doctor | Doctor Who – BBC
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Seeing this makes me SO happy! I was wondering if they were going to show eight regenerating into the non-Doctor, Doctor. It is really nice to see this little gap in time filled, and now I’m wondering if there is any chance of seeing the William Hurt Doctor regenerate into Christopher Eccleston Doctor in the special.
We’ve been counting wrong all along!
No, We are still watching the 11th.
Counting is irrelevant. It’s a time-travel show. :)
Very very interesting.
It’s wonderful to actually bring in a pre-Eccleston Doctor, even for a short. How sad this video is at the same time too.
This was so good. The 50th anniversary is going to be great.
My first full Doctor Who episode. Yay…
(yes I know it’s a mini)
Well I guess that answers that question, heh.
What I don’t understand is why didn’t his normal regeneration work?
Regeneration is not always a guarantee. His injuries could have been such that regeneration would not work.
To expand on this, there have been a few instances already where it was shown that the regen could be stopped or something was too far damaging for it to help. “Turn Left” had The Doctor die in the alternate timeline and not regen because apparently the injuries were too great, The 7th Doctor almost didn’t regen to the 8th Doctor because of the anesthesia, The Harold Saxon Master chose not to regen and so on.
I’m certain there are other examples, those were just the few I could think of off the top of my head.
Oh jeeze, stealth joke in there that someone had to point out to me!
“Will it HURT?”
well 1) they just made all of the books and big finish cannon
2) 8th doc has had 2 episodes
1. It’s spelled ‘canon.’
2. The books and the Big Finish audios have some pretty clear problems that make them separate continuities.
Still, it’s nice to see them acknowledging the character’s extensive non-televised history…
After he said he wanted to be part of the special but would probably only be able to get a last minute cameo, I had hoped they’d still find a way to include him. While this isn’t technically part of the episode, I think it works nicely.