Yesterday, there was a perfectly good and functional MS-QOTD that didn’t make it onto Major Spoilers due to a lack of signal for my cell phone. While I’m sure that lost question will make its way to the site in coming days (Watch the skies!) the lack of cell signal got me to thinking about the things we take for granted in life. Anyone who listens will know how much I love the movie ‘Real Genius’, what with 12% of my vocabulary originating in that film, to the point where I can’t imagine what I might talk like without having been exposed to Chris Knight. Or, for that matter, what a hero might be to me without the examples of Snake-Eyes or Jay Garrick, which begs one of those “Aliens come down to Earth and force you to do something because it makes for interesting considerations” kind of queries…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is torn between the first season of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ and Legion of Super-Heroes Volume 4, asking: If you were forced to choose of your favorite pop culture things to never again enjoy, which one could you never give up?
Major Spoilers or Star Wars, decisions decisions.
I would say my copy of the Hobbit. You could force me to abandon everything, but that paperback would have a place in my backpack forever.
One thing? National Lampoon’s Animal House, no matter how many times I watch this, still love it.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, easily one of the most important pop-culture moments in my life. I don’t really know what I’d be like without it, but I’m sure it’d be boring.
I’m not entirely sure how the question is being asked.
If it means I have to give up everything else to keep only one thing of pop culture, then I’d pick Star Wars since it encompasses quite a bit. Movies, comics, novels, games, parodies in song (Weird Al’s “Yoda” and “The Saga Begins”) and TV (The Family Guy and Robot Chicken Star Wars specials) and so on.
If it means is there something I would rather die than give it up, then I’m torn between Star Wars, Doctor Who and Super Sentai. They make up the majority of my entertainment, they saturate my conversations (I’ve made at least a dozen Star Wars references through the day talking to my goddaughter and my girlfriend about normal stuff) and they all fuel my love of cute alien girls.
I’m gonna go broad and say video games. If i had to pick one in particular, probably Fallout 3.
I almost quickly spit out Star Wars due to how much is included in this, with the movies, comics, and books, but Major Spoilers also has a lot that it encompasses. so its a tricky one, but I think I will have to go with …………….