Quantum and Woody’s first adventure was full of humor, wit and bizarreness, making for a great read. It’s arguably one of Valiant’s best titles, if not the funniest. Do the world’s worst superheroes continue to entertain? Major Spoilers has your review!
Continues to be hilarious
Details in the art
Sixty-Nine’s personality and Eric’s flashback
Some of the art is stiff
Writer: James Asmus
Artist: Ming Doyle
Letterer: Dave Lanphear
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Editor: Ajejandro Arbona
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Quantum and Woody: After investigating the death of their father, Eric (Quantum) and Woody acquire powerful energy wristbands. The catch is they must click them together every twenty-four hours in order to avoid dissolving into atoms. That’s a problem because they seem to hate each other. They also stopped Thomas Edison’s evil empire and met an incredibly powerful goat.
Quantum and Woody has been extremely consistent in its humor. Raunchy but not vulgar, silly but not moronic and even having an undertone of heart. With the start of this new arc, the repercussions from the previous adventure are taking their toll on Eric. Now living with three people (four including Vincent Van Goat) in a two bedroom apartment, he’s beyond stressed and frustrated with Woody. Unable to give up the superhero life, Eric goes out, leaving Woody to find a job. To Woody this means going out with the sexy clone of a villainess to party.
Everything that’s made Quantum and Woody great continues. Eric and Woody’s relationship is next to awful and the necessary clang of wristbands every twenty-four hours is a great story device used to keep them together. The misunderstanding that leads to Quantum and Woody arriving at the spot the other is supposed to be was a wonderful moment and Asmus makes it believable. I loved that Eric looks to be getting addicted to the hero lifestyle, wanting to make a difference while Woody, of course, wants fame. The goat makes another appearance, showing a personality making every page he’s on hysterical. Even small jokes hit such as Woody’s comparison to hipsters and the homeless and the “Goddamn Batman” title card elicited an audible laugh. Asmus seems to be dropping small clues as well, like Vincent chewing a Quantum Labs shirt and portrait of Eric and Woody’s father. It’s subtle and I didn’t notice it at first, so it’ll be interesting to see if it comes into play or if I’m just insane.
My only complaints would lie with Sixty-Nine (the clone)’s personality. She’s a bit of a buffoon. Considering she’s a clone of a genius it seems off but no one’s perfect I suppose. Eric’s flashback feels out of place and brief, shedding little new light on the character. These are minor quibbles though and never bogged down the fun the issue provided.
Ming Doyle’s art pops with vibrance and fun throughout. It’s a style very similar to Mike Allred’s minus the drug trip vibe. It works with the issue’s tone well and there are some hilarious details, my favorite being Mr. Magnum’s office having a picture of cowboy Reagan and a chair made from a cow, complete with an udder headrest. These nuances help overshadow some of Doyle’s weaknesses. Characters look stiff at times with little motion and panel layouts are a bit simplistic. The light that draws both Quantum and Woody to their respective buildings wasn’t apparent enough which led to some confusion. The coloring from Jordie Bellaire helps as well, adding to the dynamic look. Though a definite change from the previous work, it succeeds in matching the story’s entertainment.
Quantum and Woody continues to be brilliantly absurd, never grating on the reader. This issue continues the success of the previous arc and does a great job of providing humorous repercussions while setting up another story. There are minor problems in both story and art but neither deter the enjoyment of the book. It’s one of my favorite Valiant titles and I’m anxiously awaiting the next issue. Quantum and Woody #5 earns 4.5 out of 5 stars