Every once in a while, I get all jaded and grown-up about the glorious and bizarre world in which we live, thinking that I’ve got everything figured out and that nothing can really scare me other than taxes and the big & tall store running out of khakis. Luckily, any time that happens, I can bust out my copy of ‘Heavy Metal’ and watch ‘B-52’ alone or turn off all the lights and scream along with Katie as her jackass of a boyfriend torments the thing that lives in the attic throughout ‘Paranormal Activity.’ The Halloween season is the perfect time to try to scare the bajeezus out of yourself, if only to remind you that the long, cold winter approaching (Mileage may vary, not valid in all areas, especially if it’s spring where you are) isn’t going to freeze the parts of your brain that like to have some fun. That train of thought, convoluted as it is, also begs a Halloween week query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) expects to have to be rocked to sleep tonight, and will be hiding a machete under the pillow, but is nonetheless against my own better judgement asking: What fictional character would you least like to meet in a dark alley?
Probably Jigsaw from the Saw franchise. I have no desire to confront my personal failings in a sadistic way.
Venom. Evil scary Venom, as opposed to Flash Thompson version, who is awesome and created the Venomobile!
Seriously, though, the crazy unhinged Eddie Brock Venom is scary – especially considering everything a symbiote can do with enough imagination.
Oddly enough, the thought of Carnage in a dark, deserted alleyway isn’t that…
No, wait, that’s terrifying, too.
Michael Meyers. Out of all of the slasher movie villains he is the one that scares the crap out of me. Mostly because he is the most real. Freddy – kills through dreams after dying. Jason – back from the dead to murder sexually active teens. Chucky – serial killer that takes over a doll’s body. Meyers is the the only feasible killer.
Freddy Kruger…*shivers*
“Child’s Play” Chucky. That movie freaked me out so bad as a kid that I got rid of my My Buddy and Kid Sister dolls, and they still give me the creeps to this day (although I do enjoy “Bride of Chucky” and “Seed of Chucky”).
I’d also hate to meet Doppelganger (the freaky Spider-Man duplicate).
There was a level in the Spider-Man 2 game based off the movie where you were in Mysterio’s House of Mirrors and deformed Spidey Doppelgangers would step out of the mirrors and fight you if you got too close.
I could barely finish that part. It creeped me out on such a deep level it was all I could do to not turn the screen off and walk far, far away.
Barney the Dinosaur.
“I love you, you love me, human flesh is quite tasty…”
no. just no Alisha. I’m going to go huddle in a corner now.
He’d probably have to be unhappy with me, otherwise I wouldn’t be meeting him.
In a more frightening, insanity inducing light: Cthulhu or pretty much anything else from the Lovecraft mythos.
I’d have to go with Pinhead. Not only does he look scary and creepy, but the pins make me think of needles, which i’m deathly afriad of.