As a young lad on the plains of Kansas, I enjoyed the arena-rock stylings of Styx, Journey and especially Boston. One of Boston’s most impressive songs, ‘Rock & Roll Band,’ is a classically embossed tale of their rise to prominence, the kind of self-aggrandizing madness that I find myself having to admire. Later, I encountered the works of Tenacious D (the greatest rock duo in the history of the universe), a band that actually has several different songs explaining their history and/or cosmic origins. Maybe it’s because of my love of professional wrestling and the traditional badass entrance theme (I’m fond of ’21st Century Schizoid Man’, m’self), or maybe just the Disney tradition of the villain song, but either way, my fascination with that kind of song begs a query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is ready to join forces and form a band the likes of which has NEVER been seen, asking: What’s the best “I Am Awesome” song in pop-culture history?
I Think I’m Wonderful – The Damned
Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangster – Ghetto Boys
cuz i mean seriously, president of the world?
I Run $#!+ by DMX
FYI: only one ‘t’ and no ‘h’ in Geto Boys. Could be you “mind was playing tricks on you”?
Can I say the “Queen of the Damned” Soundtrack instead of a single song? Because apart from one or two songs, the soundtrack is songs in the perspective of Lestat revealing secrets of the vampires and himself. I mean, he’s basically saying “Hey, I’m telling the world our most treasured secrets, what are you going to do about it?”. That’s a pretty big heaping helping of someone who thinks they are awesome (and the songs are pretty cool too, probably better than the movie itself).
Probably “Queen – We Are the Champions” for pure saturation value.
For me Queen’s “Princes of the Universe.” It’s just a song you want to walk in slo-mo to while a giant fireball is going off behind you or something.
Back in Jr. High and High School, they would play that song frequently enough on a local radio station. My friend Dustin and I would carry plastic swords in our coats and stage a mock fight almost every time the song came on.
That is awesome! (Man I wish I lived in a time where local radio didn’t stink.)
I’m torn between The Touch from the only Transformers movie and Number One that plays during fights in Bleach especially the Nas T mix.
“Defy You” by Offspring.
i saw the picture of the pick of destiny so i had to say Tribute. not the best song in the world….
I say Tribute as well. With One WInged Angel, Sephiroth’s them coming in second.
My brother disagrees with me and says it’s the FFVI villain Kefka’s theme Dancing Mad. You be the judge.
None. Anybody who resorts to declaring “I am awesome” automatically isn’t.