There are some really rich characters in comics like Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor, and then there are the one-percent of the one-percent that make Bruce and Lex’s toys seem like a mere after thought on what could be built and purchased. We’ve seen those with lots of money having leeches family members come out of the woodwork, hoping to get some of that filthy lucre when the rich relative kick the bucket. Which brings us to the Poll of the Week.
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Scrooge would never give a cent. Most likely I would end up working for free.
I assume by benefactor you mean “related to and have zany antics with” so I voted for Scrooge.
Well I would go with Richie. Despite the fact he is just a kid, Scrooge is at the same time both tighter with his coin, and has quite a bit more crazy schemes that seems to lose him all his fortunes so who knows who you will end up with.
If Scrooge actually funded something, I would think “Wow, he worked so hard to earn those pennies, this now funded [fill in the blank] must be important.”
Richie is just some dumb rich kid. Anyone could convince him to cough up some dough.
Scrooge for the win.
Scrooge McDuck is such a miser that I can’t imagine him being a benefactor to anyone. Why give anyone else the moola when you need it to go swimming in? Richie Rich would probably be a somewhat irresponsible benefactor, but at least the money would be forthcoming!
If you have Scrooge backing you, he will give you all of the support you need for the sake of efficiency & success. He hates wasting money and if you are working for him, it is probably because you are good. Downside is that if you are not producing, he will be on you like a Buck Bundy on a lawn gnome.
Richie would throw money at you, but would have little oversight and true assistance at meeting your end goal.
I think it comes down to whether you wish to succeed or be comfortable. Scrooge would help with the first while Richie Rich would assist with the latter.
Due to a lak of stated goal, I am not voting this week.
Scrooge does have a better picture though.
I chose Scrooge on the off-chance that I might become Gizmoduck.
Scrooge is one of my favorite characters in comics period, expecially if he’s written by Carl Barks/ Don Rosa. So I went with him.
Yes, he is a terrible miser, yes he does not take good care of his workforce. But deep down that cold heart of his is really made of gold and if you get on his good side you are set for life! (Or, more possible, indentured).
‘Course the pay would be terrible, but convince him to join you on some fantastic impossible adventure with some treasure on the end and you just might end up with a cool 0.1 % of the profit (before all expenses of course).