This week, Matthew and Stephen do a day of release Dueling Review on Marvel’s latest event comic – Infinity #1
[podcast][/podcast]Infinity (2013) #1
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Jim Cheung
The oversized kickoff to the year’s most anticipate Blockbuster summer event, chaning the way you view the Marvel Universe! • The outbreak of war on two fronts: Earth and Space, with our heroes torn between them. • The world-shattering return of Thanos! • Includes material from FREE COMIC BOOK DAY: INFINITY
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I certainly thought this issue was average, but then, I didn’t go into it with high hopes. I liked the art in the book, but I felt like the few images of Thanos were just used as a “BWAAAAH look at me I’m Thanos MUAHAHAHAHAHA” moment. I didn’t follow the previous titles, so I was pretty lost as to what was going on in the beginning with the big baddah boom. I thought the big threat of the builders are kind of lame, but eh, it is a super hero comic. Overall, it had its thorns that drew a bit of blood, but overall, It did hold my attention enough to keep me reading all the way to the end of this big ole giant issue. It is therefore the reason I give this issue a middle of the road 3 of 5 stars.
Did I imagine it or were you using “Kirkman” and “Hickman” interchangeably? It confused the hell out of me before I figured out what you meant.
last decade Warren Ellis Rebooted the new universe as New Universal, Hickman’s run on Avengers implied that these new Antagonists built the SYSTEM that caused The White Event.
I Decide what comics to read by who is writing the comic most of the time. Hickman is a good writer and listeners should consider checking out his comics.
I’ve been reading Hickman’s run on avengers and new avengers(I’m pretty sure the earth they blew up didn’t have any life on it) and from that standpoint I really liked infinity and think if you’ve been reading at least avengers, not much to do with new avengers yet except the beginning and the black bolt piece had any ties to new avengers. This is definitely an event you should at least try. The art is great, the story is good and I’m a big fan of anything cosmic marvel so I’ll be in for the whole series. I give Infinity 4 out of 5 slices of meatloaf.