On the eve of the San Diego Comic-Con, McAfee – you know those virus protection people – have done some “research” on what comic book characters most often lead to bad links, viruses, malware, and sites with stuff that could be bad for your computer.
McAfee’s Top 15 Most Toxic Superheroes:
- Aquaman: 18.60%
- Mr. Fantastic: 18.22%
- The Hulk: 17.30%
- Wonder Woman: 16.77%
- Daredevil: 16.70%
- Iron Man: 15.63%
- Superman: 15.21%
- Thor: 15.10%
- Green Lantern: 15.00%
- Cyclops: 14.40%
- Wolverine: 14.27%
- Invisible Woman: 12.40%
- Batman: 12.30%
- Captain America: 11.77%
- Spider-Man: 11.15%
*% indicates chance of landing on a website that has tested positive for online threats such as spyware, adware, spam, phishing, viruses or other malware.
Thank goodness terms like Major Spoilers and superhero babes aren’t on the list, cause that would be really bad for us. Also, it is somewhat ironic that I had to do a search for a picture of Aquaman, right after the company told me it could lead to a virus on my computer. Jokes on them, I’ve got a Mac. :P
Research was conducted during June and July 2013 on the top superheroes with upcoming film releases or films released over the last few years. The study uses McAfee® SiteAdvisor® site ratings, which indicate which sites are risky to search for superhero names on the Web and calculate an overall risk percentage. For example, fans searching for “Green Lantern and free torrent download,” “Green Lantern and watch,” “Green Lantern and free trailer,” etc. are at risk of running into online threats designed to steal personal information. Clicking on these risky sites and downloading files like pictures and videos exposes surfers or consumers to the risk of downloading viruses and malware.
So take this for what it is worth, I know a lot of other sites are running this same thing, so we might as well jump on the bandwagon, baaaa?