This weekend at the shop (Gatekeeper Hobbies, Huntoon & Gage, Topeka! Ask me about our blow-out Dennis The Menace sale!), Chris The Counter Guy bought a rather enormous batch of comics featuring a copy of Son Of Satan #1, a book that I immediately filed under “No Way They’d Get Away With That Today.” The batch also features a copy of Tod Holton, Super Green Beret #2, a couple of Howard The Duck comics, and some mixed schadenfreude/nostalgia for a time when the stories might have seemed goofy, but not every character was a nearly-interchangable bad@$$ ninja and/or armored powerhouse. Though my discomfort with the cavalier comic-book treatment of theological issues makes Son of Satan somewhat disturbing to read about, I keep thinking that, if a minor Hulk villain can become the most popular super-character in history, there might still be legs in the likes of the Fat Fury or The Hell-Rider…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has nonetheless always kind of liked Daimon Hellstrom as a character, asking: What seemingly ridiculous or outdated character would you most like to see successfully revived?
Super Chief. Absolutely the first thing that popped into my mind. A Native American superhero that used a Buffalo head as a mask. I used to LOVE those stories in some of the old “Giant Sized Reprint” DC books back in the 70’s.
They brought him back during a recent maxi-series (52?) but he died I think
I still think DC could make a great young readers title that still takes place in the main DCU featuring G’nort. Of course I was also fond of Plastic Man as a member of the JLA (I still love when he pretended to be a dress for Barda), so I’m open to the idea of heroes that aren’t serious (or even sane). They could give G’nort another Lantern ring (I’d say he’d be a perfect Blue Lantern) or some other powers (maybe someone can fix his Darkstars uniform or give him some other equipment) and he could have silly adventures with both big-name heroes and really ridiculous characters (both new and existing characters). Maybe he could team up with Ambush Bug and have reality hopping adventures akin to a cross between Marvel’s “Exiles” and an acid trip.
I’d also like to see the old cartoon “COPS” (fighting crime in a future time!, not the FOX reality series) revived. It is pretty cheesy even for when it was made, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t also awesome.
Gnort returned as a Green Lantern in the conclusion of the “First Lantern” war this month in a brief cameo.
Really? About time!
That’s what Guy said too!
I’d ask for more G’Nort, but I have given up on most of DC, not really caring for the New 52. But if they brought back the JLA (Antarctica!)…
Groo vs Asterix deathmatch
Slapstick, I like the power set, the cartoonish humor, and it was pretty interesting the way he was slowly turning into a villain.
I almost listed Slapstick, but very few people ever seem to remember him despite the fact he’s had appearances as recently as the Civil War storyline.
Also, I think I’m a bit biased because one of my own characters has a very similar power (turning in to a living cartoon character) and as soon as the Slapstick series came out all those years ago, I had hoped that if I ever published my comics and had a crossover with Marvel, it would involve those two characters meeting.
Brother Power
Count Duckula, or Danger Mouse. Either of these could make for a fun series, even one written for kids.
U.S. 1
We are sorely missing a hero for the truck-drivers of our country!
Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew!
Devil and Moon-Boy!
Earthworm Jim. I would be happy with just another side scrolling game, but I am a fan of almost all the Doug TenNapel books as well and would like to see a proper Earthworm Jim comic book treatment.
Howard the duck hands down. i know he’s still featured in stuff from time to time but i would live for him to come back to a monthly book.