Recently, I’ve found myself in possession of a bit of free time (a rarity in itself), allowing me to consume some new comics, catch up on some television, and, thanks to the power of storyline synchronicity, ruminate on the pitfalls of fictional romance. It seems that many of the couples that I end up rooting for always end up utterly doomed, usually because one or both of the characters are just plain nuts. Even the beloved pairings of my youth aren’t immune to this feeling, as recent ‘Zach On Film’ research reminded me that Claire and Bender’s iconic romance probably wouldn’t make it through the entirely of his extra detention sessions. Buffy’s interactions with Spike were doomed on BOTH sides of the equation, and even my beloved Victoria couldn’t make it work with the giant pretentious turbo-douche that is Ted Moseby (although he does get a little credit for growing up to be Bob Saget.)
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) remembers the time that Tony Stark’s armor flipped out and turned into basically an abusive boyfriend, asking: What otherwise attractive pop-culture character would make the worst romantic partner?
Rogue. Yeah, she has control of her powers now, but she never seems to have complete control of her personality for long, meaning that you might not want her to have control of her powers after all.
On another X-Men note, any telepath is a terrifying prospect, so put Emma Frost and Jean Grey on the list.
Number Six from Battlestar Galactica.
The Doctor. Handsome, wildly intelligent, full of adventure and charming to boot, and yet it’s never going to work out.. I think that between Martha, Rose, and Jack all that’s been satisfactorily explained. Not to mention that Who villains don’t seem to have a problem with damaging the people closest to him to get at him.
Captain Jack Harkness, for many of the same reasons.
Captain Kirk, for all the obvious reasons. Who knows how many alien STDs he’d drag home. I was always a bit surprised, in that dreadful last season episode where he turns into a woman, that he didn’t try to mate with himself. Ewwww.
That fact that the eponymous Turnabout Intruder was trying to KILL him might have dampened even the mighty Kirkian libido…
Blair from “Soul Eater” because she may look like an attractive human but is really just a cat, and I’m pretty sure there are laws against that sort of thing.
I just remembered that Anime, great point.
Nancy Botwin from Weeds. You could have a one-night stand, but if you marry her, you’ll end up dead.
Black Widow, She’s called that for a reason.
anyone called Archer in Archer or Star trek Or Face off
Heck any one called archer in any media