Is Doc Ock’s run as the Superior Spider-Man already over? Marvel sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of issue #9 that may hint at the end of it all!
Written by DAN SLOTT
Art & Cover by RYAN STEGMAN
Variant Cover by RYAN STEGMAN
Thought you were shocked at the end of Amazing Spider-Man #700? Thought there was no possible way to change the Spider-Man mythos any further? THINK AGAIN!
Superior Spider-Man #9 arrives May 01, 2013.
What am I looking at here that suggests Doc Ock is out?
If this is true and not just a fake-out, I totally called it. I told everyone (and you can check my blog to see it in writing) that this would be reversed inside of two years, and we didn’t even last six months according to this.
But I will remain pessimistic until I can see with my own eyes that the change is reversed. Marvel has screwed our expectations before, and this time could be no different.
Not that I’m particularly hoping for a reversal, mind you. I’m liking Ottoman, so I can keep reading this as long as it goes. Because really people, has SUPERIOR SPIDERMAN been at the very least entertaining?
No it hasnt.