This weekend’s Star Trek marathon was a multiple-hour decades-spanning game of “Hey, it’s THAT guy!”, culminating in the realization that, under a particularly heinous rubber forehead, the President of the Federation was none other than Red Foreman himself. (I kept hoping he’d threaten to break his foot off in General Krang’s hindquarters, but alas, it wasn’t to be.) Of course, I’d rather have Red in charge than Chancellor Palpatine or Lex Luthor…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is the ramrod ’round these parts, and you best start giving me a ‘Yes, MS-QOTD’, asking: What fictional leader would you be most willing to throw your support behind?
Captain Marvelous, Optimus Prime or Tommy Oliver.
Colonel Hunter Gathers
Captain America, because he’s such a great tactician. Plus, no one ever stay dead in the Marvel Universe, so if he screws the pooch and gets you killed, you know you’ll be back for the next summer cross-over event, probably witha feature cover.
Tony Stark, maybe someone who can finally fix the financial issues here. Plus, he privatized national defense.
Optimus Prime. Every time I go to a job interview, I compare my boss-to be to Prime, how they compare affects whether I want the job or not.
I’m now stuck with the mental image of a job offering full insurance coverage for medical, dental and Decepticon attacks.
Jean-Luc Picard, a man who can negotiate with just about anyone, even if they only speak in metaphors! And, on the off chance they can’t be reasoned with, he’s a very sound strategist who can usually measure the ramifications of his actions accordingly.
The world needs more Jean-Luc Picard.
Megatron or Cobra Commander. Sideing with the villains couldn’t put us in any worse of a position than what we’re already in. Could it?
3 The Emperor of Mankind from 40K
2 Optimus Prime
1 Benjamin Lafayette Sisko,
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, I’d be the brains behind the scenes.
but Brawndo has what plants need…
The girlfriend says Red Foreman. (Funnily enough, before she read the part about the Star Trek marathon.)
I think I would have to say Tyrion Lannister, from A Song of Ice and Fire. He’s not only a smart man, and a good leader, but so witty that he would basically keep me in stitches all day every day.
Tommy Oliver? I dunno about that. I don’t think he’s that great fo a chef.
Cobra Commander all the way!
Optimus Prime
Victor Von Doom, seriously I think he would make for a superb leader once he gets rid of all those who oppose him.
Say what U want the guys cares about his country.