Following the success of The Avengers from Marvel and Disney, we spotted some fantastic prop replicas of the central characters’ gear. For months we’ve been waiting word on when we could pull our previous credit card out of our wallets and place an order. Today, eFX Inc has announced Thorsday.
The first two prop replicas to arrive are Thor’s helmet and Mjolnir. The life-sized, film accurate props look spectacular, but come with a hefty price tag. Thor’s helmet is $599 plus shipping and handling, while Mjolnir will set you back $579. Both are limited editions, though Mjolnir will be limited based on how many orders are placed. For the helmet, only 250 are being produced, which is probably why the price is so high, and why the company is requiring buyers to commit to a $200 non-refundable payment up front.
if you want to get your hands on these items (if you are worthy), better buy now before the company closes orders.