What makes a week a Major Spoilers Week? When the week is filled with so much goodness you can’t help but tell everyone about it, and you don’t care if they haven’t heard the news yet.
- Marc Webb is directing Spider-Man 2
- Fox hires Mark Millar as a creative consultant for Fantastic Four and X-Men
- Have you had your fill of Dwarves? Have you seen the new Hobbit poster?
- Stan Lee cancels convention appearances, and we know why – he had a pacemaker put in.
- Major Spoilers reviews Borderlands 2, and likes it!
- Didn’t go to PalmCon2? That’s okay, we’ve got a huge gallery of images for you to look at.
- Batman: The Dark Knight Returns – Part 1 is available now, and Major Spoilers likes it!
- What are the Top Five episodes of Batman: The Animated Series? The Top Five Podcast breaks it down for you.
A link to more pics of the hawt chick?
Yes please. Pretty nice Tifa, if I’m guessing correctly.
Liz Kat