This episode: The Riders continue their attack!
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Brian: I want that power!
Rob: Why?
Me:Yeah you’d want one that isn’t expended if you MISS with both attacks.
Matthew mentioned Derpy! /)
(One of us… One of us… One of us…)
Hi Stephen
Alea Tools wonderful condition markers can be bought through amazon. Now I can reduce shipping costs by getting my Avengers DVD with them.
*Turns off TV as girlfriend heads to bed after watching Doctor Who: The Angels Take Manhattan. Sits down at computer and turns Critical Hit on to the mid-point he was at earlier.*
Rob petrifies an enemy, and Stephen goes “Don’t Blink.”
*Gets up and moves away from computer.*
Yeah, I’m done for the night.
(Good episode so far.)
I love the image of Orem realising he can use his sword and just hacking away madly at that one poor headless horseman lying prone on the ground. I picture him doing it with a manic laugh.