As we told you weeks ago, Marvel is indeed planning a Guardians of the Galaxy movie (complete with the Rocket Raccoon and Groot), but tonight, the studio announced the release dates for all upcoming movies, and their titles.
May 3, 2013 – Iron Man 3 – Don Cheadle returns as War Machine, Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin.
November 08, 2013 – Thor: The Dark World – The movie will be directed by Game of Thrones’ Ann Taylor.
April 4, 2014 – Captain America: The Winter Soldier
August 1, 2014 – Guardians of the Galaxy – The movie will feature Drax, Rocket Raccon, Groot, Starlord, and Gamora)
Finally, the moment you have been waiting for – Ant Man!
Edgar Wright took the stage, and apparently Marvel was impressed enough with his work to hire him to bring the miniature hero to life.
I have to admit, I let out an audible “Oooooo!” at the sight of the title: Captian America, The Winter Soldier… I’m also happy Edgar Wright is finally getting his chance at Ant-man, he’s been wanting that for quite a while. Does that mean Ant-man, and perhaps Wasp will be in the Avengers 2?
With the announcement of Captain America: Winter Soldier it just goes to confirm that Stephen (or Matthew) has brainwaves from the future going into his head. But yeah I’ve got a ton of movies now that I want to see.
I don’t claim to be able to predict the future – however, I can see the signposts and see what is coming around the corner. And you can do it too! Send $199.99 for my pamphlet on how to use the power of your miiiiinnnnd!
I gave Stephen $199.99 and he totally predicted my future!
He told me I’d be cash-poor with a pissed off wife…
Another satisfied customer!
I just got a heartattack! ANT-MAN!!! GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY!!!! OMG!!!
So … they do a bunch of movies that capture the down-to-earth, feel good mood of early Marvel comics, now instead of sticking with what works, they’re doing the darker Winter Soldier, the cosmic GotG which nonfans will probably have trouble relating to or distinguishing from all the other space franchises, the fanboy silliness (Groot, Rocket Raccoon) and when these don’t go over as big as AVENGERS they’ll decide the public doesn’t like superhero movies anymore.
when is pixar going to do power pack? that would totally rock!!! or a howard the duck by pixar but for a older viewing audience.