The MS-QOTD is a complex beast, involving thoughtful contemplation on the issues of the day, balancing the sublime and the gross into the ideal meringue of pop culture goodness, balancing hopes, dreams, hearts and minds to philosophically address the most pressing issues of our shared hobby.
Then, sometimes, we just wanna see people fight.
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) slings it’s mighty shield, asking: Uncle Sam Versus Captain America… Who wins?
Uncle Sam. Hands Down. He can grow to gigantic size, has super-strength, and is powered by the very patriotism that Captain America inspires. So it’d be like the energizer bunny fighting a battery, the more inspiring Captain America is, the stronger Uncle Sam becomes.
I’m a big fan of Cap, but Steve’s going to get his butt kicked by Sam if it comes to blows. I’m not sure these two would even be willing to fight each other though.
Uncle Sam!
Yeah, much as I love Cap, I gotta go with Uncle Sam here. As someone already pointed out, Cap’s very patriotism is his downfall, as it empowers his enemy in this battle.
I guess it would depend on what time of year it is. If it was around Fourth of July when everyone is feeling very patriotic I saw Uncle Sam, if its around tax time I gotta Captain America due to a weakend Uncle Sam patriot power. Baring that I gotta go shield over no shield, because you can throw a shield so yeah. Shield!
Uncle Sam. Sam’s a “gestalt” of all of what is good about America spiritually. He’s everything Steve Rogers is an more.
Well, Captain America has a super soldier serum in his blood and an indestructible vibranium shield. But Uncle Sam is immortal and can grow really giant. Gotta give the point to Uncle Sam here.
Which is not to say they wouldn’t realize they were totally on the same side, and go out fighting crime and punching nazis.